"Sharing the Vision, Shaping the Future"
404 West Washington St
Dothan, AL 36301
Phone: 334.792.8331
Fax: 334.792.1016
Mission Statement: Houston County Schools, believing that our children are our future, commit to a partnership with stakeholders, to provide safe, caring learning environments that encourage each student to achieve to his or her full potential.
Vision Statement: Houston County schools, in partnership with our stakeholders, will prepare students to lead productive, lives and meet the high expectations of a competitive global society. In this pursuit, we will strive to become innovative, exemplary, and technology-rich centers for learning. We will inspire, challenge, and empower students to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners who are excited by the challenges of tomorrow. By implementing high-quality, research-based, educational strategies in a safe, secure, and nurturing environment, we will ensure the success of our students to compete in the twenty-first century. While sharing this vision, we will shape the future through perseverance, dedication, and teamwork.
Non-Discrimination Policy: It is the official policy of the Houston County Board of Education that no person in the Houston County Schools System shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, handicap, sex, religion, creed, national origin, or age under any program, activity, or employment.
Project Child Find: Help us locate children with disabilities by contacting Houston County Schools at 334.792.8331 for children ages 3-21, the Interagency Coordination Council at 1.800.543.3096 (V/TDD) for birth through age 2, or Alabama Relay Service at 1.800.543.2547 (voice only).